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Update – 2020 Honolulu Marathon

Updated October 22

After consulting with all our stakeholders, the City and County of Honolulu, the State of Hawaii and our sponsors, the Honolulu Marathon Association has decided that the appropriate and safest course of action is not to conduct the 2020 Honolulu Marathon, Start to Park 10 and Kalakaua Merrie Mile in December. 

We understand that it has been difficult for you to train and to plan trips to Hawaii under these circumstances and we thank you for your patience in waiting for the final announcement. 

All registered entrants in the 2020 Honolulu Marathon events, have received a unique code to transfer their entry to our virtual option, the Beachfest. All marathoners will have the option to complete the race over multiple days. Training has been hard this year and we honor the no time limit. You can complete the virtual race any time in December.

All virtual finishers will receive the finisher/race shirt and medals in the mail, as well as digital race bibs, certificates, a digital finishers magazine and more. You’ll also get access to a Festival area where we will showcase Hawaiian music and cooking demos. The idea is to bring a small part of Hawaii to you. The online festival zone will be updated with new content continually through the fall.

Should you choose not to use your comp code to participate in the virtual events, your entry will be automatically deferred to the 2021 events. (Honolulu Marathon, Start to Park 10k or Kalakaua Merrie Mile).

Virtual Race


For residents of Japan, you will need to enter through the Japan Office entry site. The information for the virtual race will be ready early this November and please enter from the Japan Office entry site.


Q. Will I have to pay for the 2020 Virtual events if I am already registered for the live events?

A. No, if you registered and paid for the live 2020 Honolulu Marathon, Start to Park 10, or Kalakaua Merrie Mile, you will not need to pay for the virtual event registration. You will need to register using a comp code which we will email to you.


Q. Can anyone enter the Virtual events?

A. Yes, anyone can enter the virtual events. There will be a charge if you are not already registered for the live events.


Q. I entered the 2020 Honolulu Marathon, what are my options? 

      1. Transfer your entry to the virtual events. Participate in the 2020 Virtual events and receive the 2020 medal and race shirts.
      2. Do nothing and your entry will be deferred free of charge to the 2021 events.


Q. If I complete the virtual event, will I get the official race medal and race shirt?

A. Yes, we will mail these to your home address in January.


Q. How does a virtual event work

A. A virtual event is when you run or walk the race distance anywhere you choose. You can run/walk in your own neighborhood or anywhere else that is safe and in Covid times, away from other people. Track the run using a GPS tracker such as Strava, Runkeeper, Garmin etc so you can submit evidence of your run.


Q. How do I submit the evidence of my run?

A. Once you have registered for any of the Honolulu Marathon virtual race distances (26.2m, 10km, or 1mile) you will be given access to your own account page where you can update your personal information and where you will submit evidence of your race.


Q. What type of evidence do you accept?

A.  The evidence can be a screenshot of your tracking app showing both the distance covered AND the time it took you to complete. You can use any tracking app such as Strava, Runkeeper, Garmin or any other tracking app. You can alternatively run on a treadmill and submit a photo of the treadmill dashboard. 

You’ve got any time from December 1 – December 31 to finish the distances you’ve selected.



Questions regarding the virtual race are directed to [email protected]

By News Team